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Welcome Graduates!

Since 1985, The Graduation Store has provided graduates with the best assortment of rings, caps, gowns, custom announcements, portrait photography, diploma frames, and commemorative items at the most reasonable prices. Come by today to browse our selection. Our store hours and location are listed below.

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Cap & Gowns

This is the day you have been waiting for and you should you look your best! We offer the finest cap and gown assortment that complies with your academic colors. Come in today to get fitted for your special occasion and leave wearing the best academic regalia.

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Class Rings

Show your Graduation spirit with a class ring! We have many styles and options to choose from when designing your ring. Come in today to customize the ring style just for you.

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Diploma Frames

It's amazing how years of hard work can be shown with one simple piece of paper. Shouldn't you display it with style, uniqueness, pride, and also protect this achievement at the same time? Come in today to choose the diploma frame right for you and your school.

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Invitations & Commemorative Items

Looking for the perfect invitation? The Graduation Store provides personalized assortments of invitations and souvenirs. Personalized invitations with the graduate’s name in text is a new and personal way of sending out your invitations. We also provide items such as memory books, name plates, thank you notes, keepsake ribbons, pens, jumbo tassels, and more!

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